Cost efficient solution:

  • Because we find the balance of security, suitability, organizational culture, the individual request and the costs in real solutions.
  • Because you can save money while you increase your efficiency.

Independent advising: 

  • Because our advising is exclusively based on the understanding of your individual needs, serving them and it towards to establish safety.
  • Because we disinterestedly evaluate the performance of the contracted providers on each security areas.

The main criterion of an independent security consultant:

Nowadays there is a huge market for security system equipment and general security related protection services.

What is the difference between an independent security consultant association and a security service or security system selling company?

An independent security consultant is an expert who gives security advice for the client, like you get financial advice from your accountant or health help from your doctor. Our security experts give security solutions for the most various cases in any segment of security related topic. They help our clients at coordinating the security providers, ensure your object’s security level development and keep it up to date on a low cost maintenance. The service of “Flott Expert” is based on the qualifications of colleagues.

  • A well trained independent security consultant has the necessary expertise and experience – project management, good negotiation skill, investigation and examination experience concerning professional reports making, presentation skills, etc. – to perform successfully the advising commissions.
  • Our consultants do not use this knowledge to sell security systems or security guarding services, but they take their security proposal considering the individual interest of clients without selling the services or equipment of a certain supplier within the frame of their advising activity.

Our consultants always take care of avoiding the possibly conflict of interests, so they are not in legal touch with companies manufacturing, selling or installing security systems and they are not in touch with any company gives security guarding services as well, furthermore they have not got any interest  at any similar company.

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